Saturday started in the Lahti Sports and Fair Center! All of Saturdays events were released in the athlete brief that was held after the last event of Friday, and the atmosphere amongst the athlete was electric. Saturday was the first day that was fully open for spectators and the stands started to fill with CrossFit spectators right after the doors were opened at 9 a.m.
The second day started at Puhdistamo Arena with a bang, as event 3 called “Lihamuki” really tested the athletes first thing in the morning.
Event 3: Lihamuki by RockTape
For time: (TC 7 min)
Sandbag Carry, 3 Sandbag Squat Clean, Sandbag Carry, 5 MU
Sandbag Carry, 3 Sandbag Squat Clean, Sandbag Carry, 10 MU
Sandbag Carry, 3 Sandbag Squat Clean, Sandbag Carry, 15 MU
(M 150lbs, F 100lbs)
After this fast-paced event, spectators and athletes moved towards Nocco Arena where in collaboration with Finland’s Strongest Man competition athletes got to test a strongman event. The event was named “Markku & Ilkka” in honor of Finland’s strongman legends Markku Suonenvirta and Ilkka Nummisto.
Event 5: Markku ja Ilkka
5A) 1 min AMRAP
Heavy FatBar Deadlift
(tiebreak: Bar over Burpee)
1 min rest
5B) 1 min AMRAP
Heavy Viking STOH
(tiebreak: DB Snatch)
The Viking press that was used in the event was brought from Finland’s Strongest Man competition, and for sure it was a new experience, but everyone approached the event with excitement. During this event all of the bench pressing, and sandbag cleans done previously really started to show but all of the athletes fought bravely ‘till the end.
Suomen Vahvin-kilpailun järjestäjä Markku Suonenvirta oli seuraavassa tapahtumaa mielenkiinnolla ja saimmekin hänet haastatteluun!
Finalnd’s Strongest Man competition organizer Markku Suonenvirta also spectated the competition with eager and we got an interview from him about the day!
- What are your feeling about the collaboration with Unbroken?
”I’m extremely happy and pleased to see this collaboration to take place. CrossFit and Strongman both are (for now) minority sports and by combining our strengths with this we are able to grow both sports with reason.”
-How did you come up with this event and why?
” The Viking press was used this summer in our Finland’s Strongest Man competition and that was what the press was built for. In start of the collaboration, we thought that it would be a simple one to accumulate to work for CrossFit. That what we ended up with and it works great!”
- Yes it does, and we have seen some very impressive performances with it!
” I have to confess my ignorance to the amount that Unbroken was my first CrossFit competition ever. I was so impressed, that my jaw is still on the ground. I’ve got to give kudos to athletes, they are all extremely fit. Unbroken is an extremely physical competition and we’ve seen some incredible performances today. I see many similarities in our sports, there’s much capacity on both sides. I actually saw many athletes that have also been in our competitions also.”
-What are your thoughts on the increasing amount of Strongman elements in CrossFit?
” CrossFit and Strongman have vast amounts of similar border spaces, so I fell that it’s a natural development. Both sports measure the physical parts of athletes and if we dice into the more philosophical side of the sports, both come down to strength, endurance, speed and skills. All of these elements can be found in both sports.”
As the last of the athletes were still battling with event five, on the other side of the sports hall the last event of the day was starting.
Event 4: Littipeukut käyttöön
For Time: (TC 7min)
50 Wall Ball (M) 20lbs (F) 14lbs
40 C2B
30 Box Jump Over (M) 60 cm (F) 50 cm
Rest of time AMRAP: Triple Unders
During this event it was visible that the previous events had taken its toll on the athletes and we saw impressive will to fight from the athletes during the chest to bars. As it could be foreseen, the most scarcity on repetitions was seen with triple unders.
On Sunday we will see who will take the winner title of Unbroken 2022. Today’s events can be viewed on TV (Finland only) on channel 17 or from YouTube live stream.
Results can be found in